Love what you do, take massive action, and prosper (w/ Ran Segall, Prospero)

We are super excited to have with us today the inspiring Ran Segall – a full stack designer, a creator, and a vlogger.
Ran started out as a designer, working with startups to create great products & brands.
For the past 5 years, his been freelancing with 3-5 clients at any given time, and also, he’s been sharing his journey on his youtube channel called Flux and has over 40,000 followers.
He believes in constant learning and sharing knowledge, was running the Nu-School – which was an online hub for people to learn freelancing and design, and later on, he built a product company called Prospero – a service for freelancers to create online proposals.
In this episode, Ran shared his amazing insights and knowledge on freelancing, value-based pricing, learning new skills, networking, putting yourself out there, achieving your goals and aiming higher.