Take part in the 2017 Professional Development Survey

We’ve partnered with Udemy, a global marketplace for learning and teaching online, to create this survey to better understand the state of the industry and get a clearer picture of what people working in tech want to learn about.
Election 2016 – As seen on Dribbble

his definitely has been the weirdest, dirtiest and most fascinating presidential race in recent memory, if not in the entire history of the United States.
We collected a few of the gems that designers shared on Dribbble throughout this crazy ride.
We’re hosting two awesome (free) events in SF! Come say hi!

Next week (on the week of the 22nd-27th of August), we’ll be in San Francisco and we’ll be hosting two awesome free events!
If you’re in town, you should come say hi! Beers & pizzas on us!
I have an idea for a startup! Now what?

If I had a dollar for every time I heard the sentence “I have a startup idea! Now what?”, I wouldn’t bother writing this. If I had half a dollar, it would’ve been borderline. It seems we’re in the middle of a modern day gold rush to create the next billion dollar startup. Having a […]
Meng To: Bridging the gap between design and code

We are proud to present an interview with Meng To – one of the most inspiring designers today and author of the new book Design + Code – From Sketch to Xcode.
HUI Site of the Week – Dataveyes

This week we got in touch with Francois, one of the co founders of Dataveyes, to discuss their new website.
HUI Site of the Week – Gladeye

This week we interviewed Tarver from Gladeye, a digital creative agency in Auckland, New Zealand, about their new website.
HUI Site of the Week – Kévin Lagier

For this Hacking UI Site of the Week we spoke with Kévin Lagier about his brand new portfolio .
HUI Site of the Week – AKARU Web Agency

For this Hacking UI Site of the Week we took a look at the beautiful new site by AKARU web agency.
HUI Site of the Week – Carl-Philippe Brenner Portfolio

This week we spoke to Carl-Philippe Brenner about his stunning new portfolio.