Breaking down design systems to atomic elements (w/ Brad Frost, Atomic Design)

We are honored to have with us today, the inspiring Brad Frost, Founder, and inventor of the “Atomic Design” system.
Brad started as a web designer, came out through the agency world, and eventually found himself consulting for teams, doing workshops, writing a blog and hosting a podcast.
Besides being a web designer, a developer, an Author and a Host, Brad’s background as a musician also connects with his work, that why he believes in the notes and the rules that make all the piece together.
In this episode, Brad shared with us his thoughts and insights about how to build a design system and development collaborative work, and how to implement that thinking in your organization.
Don’t be a “tooler”, but a learner (w/ Jason Ogle,

Our guest today is a fellow podcaster, the amazing Jason Ogle, Founder and host of podcast, where he creates and shares inspiring interviews with UX superheroes.
Jason started as a designer and a developer in the 90s, and he believes in what’s called “The Beginner’s Mindset”, which means that you’re going to have that student mindset and keep on learning basically forever.
Besides being a product designer and a podcaster, Jason also writes on Medium, where he shares inspiring articles that fight for the users.
In this episode, Jason shared with us his thoughts and insights about how to become an influencer through personal growth and giving back to the community at the same time.
Have fun, create value and do it consistently (w/ Noah Kagan, &

Today we released a different kind of podcast.. This time with someone who’s not a designer. We were super lucky to have a long talk and also hang out with Noah Kagan, a mega successful entrepreneur who founded two online companies that you might have heard of: and
Noah is a super fun guy and you’ll see it from this episode. He has a very open-minded and interesting approach to life and to building one’s career.
In this episode, Noah shared with us his best practices and routines for starting a business. He also shares new perspectives on how to enjoy the process, scaling businesses, and more.