
Hi, my name is Sagi, I'm a husband, a father of 2 amazing children + dog, a martial artist, a full time design director at a scaling startup, and have founded multiple side projects that I continue to maintain and scale.
When I first moved to Sketch I was looking for a way to migrate all my recent PSD’s to it, but an extensive Google search lead to no results. Today, two years later - there is still no product that does this.
Resources is the place for you to find tools, icon sets, UI Kits, articles, and interesting online services - both free and premium, to help you be more productive and produce high quality results.
We finished analyzing the results of the Design Salary Survey and we found a ton of interesting data from the overwhelming 3,167 respondents. We hope this gives you a better understanding of the industry standards and how salaries differ between countries, job titles, experience levels and more.