HUI Site of the Week – Dataveyes

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This week we got in touch with Francois, one of the co founders of Dataveyes, to discuss their new website.

Hey Francois, can you tell us a little bit about Dataveyes?

Dataveyes specializes in human-data interactions and data visualizations. The company was created in 2010 and is based in Paris.

What were you guys trying to achieve with the new site? 

We did not build this site with measurable objectives in mind. The main purpose of our website is to introduce our vision, explain our processes and showcase our works.

So who’s on your team?

Dataveyes consists of 9 people, with a range of skills covering UX, UI, interaction design, information architecture, front-end development, statistics and data storytelling. We strongly believe in working collaboratively.

Dataveyes team

Did any of the designers help in coding the site?

Yes. Designers in our company have a solid development culture and take part in development related tasks.

Did you execute any UI processes before designing?

We used wire frames and did some prototyping.

What tools did you use for design?


Did you conduct any user testing?

We didn’t for the initial launch version, but this is something we are looking to do for the next iterations of our website.

HUI site of the week - Dataveyes

Where did you get the inspiration for your work?

Our inspiration came from the data visualization culture which we have grown into. We have been working for a few years on translating abstract data into tangible interafces, in a way that provides insight through the power of interaction.

What was the biggest challenge you faced with the site?

The toughest thing was to create a visually appealing interface that would do justice to our vision and would also do a good job at explaining how we create insightful data visualizations for our clients.

What are you most proud of about the finished product?

This website has been a great opportunity for us to reveal our brand. We put a particular emphasis on our identity so that it best reflects our skill set and mission: tell insightful stories from data. This is why we attempted to create a generative and dynamic identity.

Thanks a lot Francois!

Check out the site, and let us know what you think. If you have any more questions for Francois or Dataveyes feel free to comment below.

You can also catch them on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

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Product Designer at ContrastUX

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About the author:



Product Designer at ContrastUX

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