So what’s the deal with Hacking UI?
Hacking UI is the third major project that Sagi and I have worked on together. In July 2012 I moved to Israel and immediately joined Moolta, an awesome startup with a small team that quickly became my new family. Sagi had just left his job as lead designer at Fiverr, and coincidentally joined Moolta as cofounder the same week.
Since our first days at Moolta, we’ve been through an incredible amount together. The short list includes: developing and launching Moolta, moving to Palo Alto to join UpWest Labs accelerator program, co-founding a new startup, TapDog, and moving back across the world to Tel Aviv.

In any startup, the relationship between the designer and front end developer is critical. If the two are completely in synch, the designer can create according to the technical limitations of the project (be it timeframe, current code structure, etc.) and the developer can build with the designer’s goals and true intentions in mind.
As Sagi and I started to work together more, we saw our production level increase exponentially.
Over the course of our time together we’ve developed a workflow that allows us to iterate quickly and create better products. As I look back on our first couple months working together, I laugh at how slow and ineffective we started out. Today, we can design, code, test and push a full-fledged project to production in the time it used to take us to work on a minor feature.

So we decided to start writing about our workflow and sharing our ongoing tests, improvements, setbacks and advancements. By no means do we think that we do everything perfectly or that we have no room for improvement. But we do think that by sharing our experiences, we can help designers, developers and entrepreneurs learn from our failures and our successes. Hopefully we too will continue to learn along the way.
We’ll provide anecdotes, recommendations, case studies and insights into the world of UI/UX design that we’ve become obsessed with. But that’s not all you can expect from Hacking UI.
Each week we will share with you websites that inspires us. We publish these roundups on Fridays, because by the end of the week we too need a little extra push to keep the creative juices flowing.
We also have an awesome weekly newsletter we’ll publish the best resources, tools, tips and articles of the week. In this field there is so much information changing at such a rapid pace that it has become impossible to keep up. We hope that our curation will expedite the process for you and allow you to focus your time on only the best of the best.
Hacking UI is a new exciting journey for us, and we invite you to join in!