How a blame free culture helped Etsy scale their design team ft. Magera Moon

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Episode #7: Magera Moon

This week we’re super happy to have with us on the show Magera Moon – Product Design Manager at Etsy.
Magera was the 3rd designer to join the company, and has seen and lead its growth to now more than 30 designers.
We’re going to talk about how they created a blame-free culture, developed a great hiring process, and changed the product team’s structure as they grew.

Here are some follow up links from our talk:

The Side Project Accelerator

The program works in batches, with only 3 batches per year. Registration for the next batch of the Side Project Accelerator is now open until November 10th, and there are only 50 seats available. Apply now to reserve your spot.

Apply now for batch #2 →

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About The Hacking UI Podcast, Season 1 – Scaling a Design Team

Hi, I’m Sagi, Design Director at a scaling startup, and with me, both in the podcast and working at the same company, is David Tintner – Front End Developer Lead.  We are both entrepreneurs, bloggers, productivity/time-hacker maniacs, and all around tech geeks. So you see – these are the topics that we discuss in the Hacking UI Podcast. If you’re into the same things we are, we would love for you to join us and listen in. We think you’ll find it as interesting and insightful as we do.

In season 1, which we’ve called ‘Scaling a Design Team’, we meet with leaders from top notch companies, like Facebook, Invision, and Intercom, to discuss team structures, responsibilities, and workflows. We’ll also be talking to them about design management, hiring, and culture. This is a chance for us to get an inside look at some of the best design teams out there and to understand how they do what they do in drastically different environments.

About the author:



Product Designer at ContrastUX

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About the author:



Product Designer at ContrastUX

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