Master Class #5: Why we should care about avatar embodiment in VR (w/ Ayelet Batist)

Coming up on Wednesday June 7th, 1pm EST: Virtual embodiment has been an exotic research topic for years, propelling neuroscientists to study the mechanisms behind successful body illusions in the lab.
Now, with the rise of VR experiences, their findings are more relevant than ever. It’s time to take these findings out of the lab and introduce them to our UX and design workflows. Enabling us to create compelling immersive experiences, a convincing embodiment in a virtual avatar is a desirable goal to aim for, yet a powerful state we should consider with care.
Master Class #4: The Soul in The Machine – Developing for Humans (w/ Christian Heilmann)

Coming up on Monday April 24, 4pm EST: Christian Heilmann, HTML5/Open Web Evangelist at Microsoft, will talk to us about using machine learning to build interfaces that help humans do the tasks they came for.
Master Class #3: How personal AI revolutionized our digital experience (w/ Ori Shaashua)

Ori talked to us about why we need to stop crafting the UX of our apps around clocks, and gave us instant & actionable tips to get started integrating AI into our app today.
Master Class #2: Getting Buy-In (w/ Dan Mall)

What mistakes do most of us do when presenting our work to clients? How can any client to approve our designs no matter what role they play in their company? What happens we designersclash on design ideas with a CEO of a company? Find out in this session
Master Class #1: This is Our New Robot, He’s Here to Replace You ( w/ Matty Mariansky)

Why is it a good idea to talk to machines? Are mobile apps on the verge of a massive churn? What’s the long game for chat bots and where is this industry heading? These are just a few of the interesting topics Matty Mariansky, co-founder of Meekan, talked about in this fascinating presentation. If you haven’t […]