
his definitely has been the weirdest, dirtiest and most fascinating presidential race in recent memory, if not in the entire history of the United States. We collected a few of the gems that designers shared on Dribbble throughout this crazy ride.
In 2012, we had a problem. So like any good entrepreneur (or lazy designer and developer) should do, we decided to solve our problem. If we had someone back then who knew and could have given us tested and proven advice, we would have prevented some of those mistakes. We would have been able to achieve our dream infinitely faster. Our dream that had so nearly slipped out of reach finally became a reality, and now we want to help you do that too.
Today I completed one of my most feared tasks. I’ve been wanting to move Hacking UI to SSL for years, but have been dreading how difficult it will be. Well friends, today I come to you a stronger man, a better man. I have seen the promised land and it is every bit as glorious as I thought it would be.
When it comes to side projects, I practice and firmly believe in a philosophy that Sagi and I have called audience driven product development. This is an idea that we formulated after seeing how successful entrepreneurs such as Jeffrey Zeldman, Paul Jarvis and Tobias van Schneider built incredible personal brands. We’ve also watched closely as companies such as Intercom and Buffer implement this approach.
Today’s my birthday, and this year I’m giving myself a present. I’m giving myself the time to write. I’m going to prioritize it, block out the time in my schedule and actually take writing seriously. But that’s pretty vague. I’ve tried to do that before, and I failed miserably. So this time I’m going one step farther. I’m committing to publish a new article every day, for 30 days straight.
Next week (on the week of the 22nd-27th of August), we'll be in San Francisco and we'll be hosting two awesome free events! If you're in town, you should come say hi! Beers & pizzas on us!
Icons are elements found in almost every place you can think of on the web and on mobile devices. A good designer needs to know how to create icons that are pixel-perfect, clear, sharp and uniform. In this post I'll give some of my favorite tips and advice on how to create perfect icons.